Friday 8 October 2010

Perimenopausal maniac

It is not easy in my house at the moment. Now I know why you should have children in your 20's. Coping with teenagers who have battling hormones is a a nightmare when you are experiencing a hormonal firestorm of your own. I can go off on one quicker than a roman candle at the moment.

I have dusted off one of my Amazon purchases on the Perimenopause. I need to get a handle on this before I hear 'E, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.' I fear all but hteh youngest of my family would nominate me for eviction this week. Last night there was pointless confrontation between raging 16 year old and equally unreasonable 47 year old mother. Result he stormed to his room and I slumped on the sofa.

On the school issue, a small oversight snowballed in my head to an example of disinterest and incompetence. This resulted in the need for 2 concilliatory emails this morning. I seem to spend a lot of time apologising at the moment.

So the self help plan of the moment is:

1) Eat more fruit
2) Listen to relaxation download
3) Ditch the coffee
4) Resist the urge to self medicate on Shiraz
5) Get back to the gym
6) Eat even more fruit
7) Roll out the yoga mat and balance my charkas
8)Try to explain to 5 males that at any sign of unreasonable mood, that they should not confront me retreat to the safety of another room.
9) Embrace herbal and green teas
10) Go for long walks

That's enough to be going on with, I think.

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