Thursday 14 October 2010

A satisfactory day

I had a productive meeting at the school. I think the new regime might just sort the school out.

The news is very depressing. Not looking forward to the cuts announced next week. Apart from the Chilean miners' rescue there is not much good news.

In the past 2 days I have seen young women out and about in pyjamas. I just don't get that. Am I just old or is it really not a good look. Don't even get me started on the arses of jeans hanging off.

I am attempting to be a curry queen tonight. I am even baking my own naan breads. Surely that earns me a place in Jamie's Food revolution. At least it should - if the hungry masses eat it.

Friday 8 October 2010

Perimenopausal maniac

It is not easy in my house at the moment. Now I know why you should have children in your 20's. Coping with teenagers who have battling hormones is a a nightmare when you are experiencing a hormonal firestorm of your own. I can go off on one quicker than a roman candle at the moment.

I have dusted off one of my Amazon purchases on the Perimenopause. I need to get a handle on this before I hear 'E, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.' I fear all but hteh youngest of my family would nominate me for eviction this week. Last night there was pointless confrontation between raging 16 year old and equally unreasonable 47 year old mother. Result he stormed to his room and I slumped on the sofa.

On the school issue, a small oversight snowballed in my head to an example of disinterest and incompetence. This resulted in the need for 2 concilliatory emails this morning. I seem to spend a lot of time apologising at the moment.

So the self help plan of the moment is:

1) Eat more fruit
2) Listen to relaxation download
3) Ditch the coffee
4) Resist the urge to self medicate on Shiraz
5) Get back to the gym
6) Eat even more fruit
7) Roll out the yoga mat and balance my charkas
8)Try to explain to 5 males that at any sign of unreasonable mood, that they should not confront me retreat to the safety of another room.
9) Embrace herbal and green teas
10) Go for long walks

That's enough to be going on with, I think.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Curry was a success!

The boys loved the curry. Non curry-eating son even had seconds. Sweet, as my boys would say.

Watching the news about the sludge in Hungary. My Mum told me about it this morning. She was very relieved I was back from Budapest. The sludge is 100 miles from Budapest but it just shows you that mums never stop worrying.

Just when I think that things are getting better at youngest son's school, they piss me off. Second week in a row that they have not sorted his homework out. I have to see the teacher in the morning but can already anticipate insincere apology and patronising tone.

I got an email from Amazon today with some recommendations. They weren't to know I was detoxing from self-help books.

It has been the usual midweek arguments here with the tired boys.

Conversation between youngest son and me.

L: No-one listens to a word I say in this family.

Me: Poor you. Better call childline.

L: I might just do that.

As I am typing this, I can here shouting in the upper echelons of my house. Best to ignore it and pour another glass of Shiraz.

The cloud has lifted!

I am much perkier today and managed to be productive. I made a conscious effort to be perky and it more or less worked. Evening managed to survive a meeting at the school this morning without getting too irratated. These meetings take forever as the sharp elbowed MC parents share their angst.

Watched a little of 'Call me Dave's speech'. Thankfully I missed 'Your country need you' or might have vomitted. I fear that there is a stormy winter ahead. Will a remortgage be in order to pay for tuition fees? Probably. But of course, the banks are closed for business. Need to work out what to sell and start recycling tea bags. But at least we are all in this together.

I am about to sew a wing on a stuffed penguin and repair a few holes to stop the flow of plastic beads that are littering the house. I was chastised by youngest son for not doing the surgery yesterday. I am hoping my new curry recipe will be a success tonight.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Last post was far too pathetic!

I read back my precious posts and realised I moan too much. Mainly about housework. What's a mountain of mess between friends. I think the best way to ditch the moaning is to sweep round with a few black bin bags, fill them up with everything on the bedroom floors and bung them in the shed. How long before they start asking for missing items?

Life is too damn trying at the moment.

I think I am in the middle of a hormonal firestorm. I feel like the crankiest cow on earth and I am pretty sure that is what my menfolk think. Some days routing socks out from behind beds and picking up boxer shorts doesn't phase me but this weekend it makes me feel murderous.

Instead of sewing sequins on tutu's, I scrape mud off rugby gear. A house of sports, farts, fights and upright toilet seats. Of course, there is also lot's of laughter. But some days it is hard not to feel like a dobbie! My many attempts at organisation last about 4 days. I think it is time to admit they are cannot be trained, these little men of mine. We won £69 on the lottery, sadly not enough for a housekeeper.

This afternoon was homework. A mixture of tears and procrastination (the boys not me), before any work was done. It's time to cook dinner. I am attempting a slow roast pork that is supposed to taste delicious but the way things are going today, it will proabably taste of leather. My usually successful victoria sponges, refused to rise properly. It really was a day to stay under my duvet.

Tomorrow, I am sure the rain cloud above my head will blow over. I don't have much time for self pity, or I would have full scale pity party. Instead I will patch up the limp victoria sponge and serve up the birthday dinner for oldest boy's belated 16th birthday celebration.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Still alive

I will attempt to commit to this blogging malarkey. Now I have no studies for a year, I think I will play around with the blog until boredom sets in or life gets too interesting. So the blog will thrive 2010! Watch this space.