Friday 15 April 2011

I spent the afternoon in the garden with my 14 year old son. He was a great help, He fixed the fence, made me a tripod and a bird scarer. I am all set for planting my vegetable seedlings tomorrow. I am so excited. I need to get some netting tomorrow to stop the birds eating my seedlings.

We attempted to make a video of the garden but my commentary was woeful. You won't be seeing it on youtube any time soon. Tomorrow I will post some pictures of my progress in the garden. I now have to go and read through my companion planting book to make sure I put all the plants in the correct place.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

More digging!

I am trying to motivate myself for more digging today. I need to edge the bed and put some wooden planks down for edging. I attempted it at the weekend but the ground was too hard.

My seedlings are coming on. Unfortunately, my sunflower plants have flopped. I think I will sow some seeds straight in the ground. I am itching to fill the empty bed. So far it only has a French lavender plant, 2 coleus canina plants and some garlic. My vegetable plants arrive at the weekend but I am not sure if I can put them out yet. I think I need to wait to be sure there will be no more frost. I am now obsessed about the weather. My head is buzzing with different growing instructions. I definitely need 'L' plates for this gardening lark.

I have not met on 'real' gardener that does polyculture gardening. Most are perplexed at the thought that my veg are going to be nestled amongst flowers. I read one website saying that it is not very established in home gardens and that people that do are pioneers! I like the idea of being a pioneer, all be it a clueless one.

One of the plants arriving is called kohlrabi which is a seriously weird looking vegetable. Think alien veg! I think that will have to be well disguised before I serve it up. In the meantime, I am looking forward to my first salad leaf crop in the next couple of weeks. If there are any left. Youngest son was in the garden yesterday with a friend showing off the plants and eating some of the little leaves.

Hopefully, in the next month I will have some more pictures of my endeavors. I am facing the fact I am middle aged. Instead of heading out on a Friday night, I now tune in to Gardeners World. Monty Don kindly give out a list of things to do in the garden. When I get more plants in, I will feel like I have a garden.

Still undecided about the AV referendum. Leaning towards no at the moment. Actually feeling a wee bit sorry for Nick Clegg, though not much. Not looking forward to seeing my payslip next week. Anyway enough blogging, time to spring into action....or have another cup of tea!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Black Wednesday but at least the sun is shining

Oh dear, more gloom and doom on the news. Thanks goodness I have finished in the house and can escape to the garden. I cannot look at Danny Alexander's face anymore. His patronising tone is too much, I have an urge to slap him. As for the three posh stooges talking about the NHS, help! NHS safe in the ConDems hands, I don't think so.

I did flick the telly this morning while I was doing the ironing and came across the Housewives of Orange County. What a bunch!

More planting to do and then I will read my book in the sunshine.

I am looking forward to the Easter holidays. It is such a luxury only getting myself ready in the morning for work. Anyway, the sunshine calls.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

April showers

Rain has stopped play. No work in the garden today. Next week I take delivery of my vegetable plants so I hopefully the rain won't last.

Busy morning getting the boys off to school. I had to make a peasant costume for youngest's Tudor feast at school. It's amazing what you can do with scissors and a pillow slip.

We survived the outing to Southend. No children were lost, only one puked and all slept in the car on the way home.

The decluttering continues. Need to get it finished. I don't want to scare off my new cleaners when they come to see the house next week.

Less stress from 16 year old son but 14 year old's hormones have kicked in with a vengeance. Unfortunately, his brothers enjoy setting off his furious outbursts.

I think I have finally figured out what the 'Big Society'. The government provides money for less and less services. Volunteers are to pick up the slack, but we are all working longer hours and to retire later so this might not work!

Friday 1 April 2011

Waiting for the sunshine...

In the meantime, I have some baking to do. A cake for youngest son's birthday sleepover and cakes for the school cake stall. Then some ironing and if the weather forecast is correct, then I have some time in the garden.

I am slightly peeved about the amount of charity events at the primary school. It is getting too much. Encouraging the children to raise money is admirable but they seem to have gone overboard. Resisting the temptation to shoot off an email. A deep breath and this peeve will pass.

The big day trip to Southend is tomorrow. I think I am organised. The only thing I can't sort out is the weather. Fingers crossed it is dry. I am not thrilled by the thought of shivering in the rain while the kids zoom around on all the rides.

I have a tortilla (Spanish omelette) going begging. I considered freezing it but can't imagine it would be appealing when defrosted. Might give it a try.